Richard Chambers' blog
In his blog on Internal Auditor Online, IIA President and CEO Richard Chambers, CIA, QIAL, CGAP, CCSA, CRMA, shares his personal reflections and insights on the internal audit profession.
We Are Here to Help You — This Time We (Really) Mean It
"We are here to help you!" That phrase seems so innocent, but those six little words are sometimes referred to as "the biggest lie of the internal audit profession." As the old joke continues, the second biggest lie is management's response: "We are glad you are here!"
I have written several blogs this year about how internal audit should be helping their organizations navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveys continue to indicate that internal audit's support is being genuinely welcomed in a great many organizations. As management fends off the threats from the COVID-induced health and economic crises, they often welcome help from any trusted source available. Ah, but there is that word again: trust. If internal auditors haven't been cultivating the trust showing they have been "here to help" in the past, then why should management believe them now?
The great majority of internal audit professionals are truly collegial in their relationships with clients, and their clients really do embrace the role we play. But clients remain skeptical — particularly if they felt unfairly treated by internal auditors in the past. I believe 2020 presents a great opportunity to closely examine how we are viewed and how we can change any mistaken perceptions in the minds of skeptical clients.