Ambition Model

With the Ambition Model (AM) you can: visualize the current quality level of your Internal Audit Function (IAF), determine your ambition level to further professionalize your IAF, and compare your quality level with other Internal Audit Functions.



As we enter a new era of internal audit with the new Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS), the Institute ofInternal Auditors (IIA) Netherlands is proud to present the update of the Ambition Model, which is fully aligned with the GIAS.

The Ambition Model has continued to evolve since its inception and this update reflects our ambition to remain at the forefront of the profession and provide good practices for this purpose. The purpose of the model remains unchanged: to enable internal audit functions to realize their full potential by setting ambitious goals and taking a proactive approach to quality assurance and improvement. Through the self-assessment tool, you'll gain insight into where you are now, how this compares to the Standards, where your ambitions lie and what steps you can take to realize those ambitions.

With the introduction of the new GIAS in 2024, we have updated the Ambition Model to reflect the new Standards that will take effect from January 2025. This update brings important changes that internal audit professionals can apply as they navigate the complexities of an ever-changing business landscape.

Our goal is not only to provide a framework for development, but also to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration between CAEs in different organizations, industries, and both small and large IAFs. The new version of the Ambition Model provides practical insights and concrete application options that can be effectively used to determine the ambition level, perform the self-assessment, and respond to for new developments and risks relevant to internal audit. With sufficient participants, the Ambition Model provides the opportunity for benchmarking.

We are convinced that the Ambition Model update will be a valuable tool for internal auditors worldwide. We invite you to explore the benefits of the Ambition Model and share your good practices and feedback with us. Together we can continue to develop our profession and add value within our organizations. Delivering quality is no longer just “conformance” but going the extra mile with effective “performance” of your IAF.

The model includes references to publications of IIA Global, the Internal Audit Foundation, IIA Netherlands and other good practices. During this alignment with the GIAS the taskforce collaborated with members of IFACI. We kept in close contact with the European usergroup, the IIA Global Director, the IIA Quality Services, the Director – Professional Standards, the Vice President, Standards & Guidance also chair of the Taskforce QA Manual. 

The model has been validated with CAEs, the Committee of Professional Practices (CPP) and the Quality Assessments Committee (CKT) of IIA Netherlands during the various stages of its development.

The Internal Audit Ambition Model is listed as an optional tool in the new IIA Global Quality Assessment Manual 2024 Edition. We are extremely grateful for this recognition and hope that it will boost new users and thus an increasingly solid benchmark results.

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